Message from Sr. Jane Remson, O.Carm., Carmelite NGO Representative
About Salpointe Catholic High School
Endorsement--Carmelite Generalaisis
Endorsement--Archbishop of New Orleans
Endorsement--Adult Study Guides
Learn About Laudato Si'
When Pope Francis released his earth-care Encyclical on June 18, 2015, it was a call to action. Pope Francis challenged all humanity to give special attention to God's creation and take action to preserve it.
The Carmelite NGO responded. They created Curriculum on Laudato Si'.
The NGO sought to increase awareness of Laudato Si' and give high school students--at such a crucial time in their development--values necessary to ensure the earth's future. They also created Laudato Si' study guides for adult groups wishing to learn more about the Encyclical.
Developed by the faculty of Salpointe Catholic High School, Tuscon, AZ, a leading Carmelite secondary school, the Curriculum is comprehensive, interdisciplinary and geared to educational standards in grades nine to 12. Laudato Si' offers detailed lessons in Theology I, Theology II, Environmental Science and Social Studies, including the Humanities.
In the spirit of Laudato Si', Carmelite NGO offers the Curriculum and study guides to everyone around the world. English and Spanish versions are available.