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Laudato Si' inspires high school students to follow Pope Francis. Developed by the Carmelite NGO, this comprehensive Curriculum is available to ALL to download or in hard copies. Check out Laudato Si' Study Guides for college classes and adult groups. 


Introducing Curriculum on Laudato Si', Based on Pope Francis' Earth-Care 
Encyclical. Laudato Si' is for all.
Download the Curriculum
Get the Curriculum in a binder

Download the Adult Study Guide

Get a printed Adult Study Guide

Contact us about the Curriculum and Study Guides in Spanish

Get a brochure on the Curriculum on Laudato Si'.





COP 27: Carmelite NGO Was There, Read Our Report

Fr. Eduardo Agosto Scarel, O.Carm., says the conference was a mix of stagnation and progress.  Check out his perspectives.  






Watch Pope Francis's Beautiful Laudato Si’ Film ‘The Letter’

Click here to watch The Letter on youtube

Oct. 4, 2022--The Vatican has released a beautiful, meaning-

ful documentary about Pope Francis’s Laudato Si' messages. 


The Letter, based on the premise that his 2015 Laudato Si’ Encyclical, is a letter to everyone, focuses on how the environmental crisis affects people around the world.  


This film is the fruit of years of work from the Laudato Si' Movement, Off the Fence, the Oscar-winning production company for My Octopus Teacher, and the Vatican. 


It is ideal for teachers to share with their students, church groups, environmental groups and all who care are about the earth, our common home.  




Carmelite NGO House of Mercy 

Honored For Serving Abuse Victims


Aug. 29, 2022--In addition to protecting the environment, the Carmelite NGO works around the world to help victims of human trafficking and child abuse.

One of the missions helping these victims is House of Mercy in Indonesia, which was recently honored by the city government of Pontianak for protecting children against abuse.  

House of Mercy is a safe place for young victims to shelter and receive food, education and guidance.  











In the photo above are young people living at Mercy House, which also serves youth from poor neighborhoods.  

Below, Sister Magdalena Paula, SKYB, (Carmelite Sisters in Pontianak, Indonesia) receives the award from a city official.  


President Biden Responds To Local Concerns About Rising Seas

Sr. Jane Remson, O.Carm., of the Carmelite NGO wrote the president about rising seas in Louisiana.  


Read his response.  


The Rising Seas: A Global Challenge.  Part of the Carmelite NGO's COP 27 Documentary Video Exhibit

The Rising Seas: A Global Challenge. Part of the Carmelite NGO's COP 27 Documentary Video Exhibit

Play Video

WATCH Videos

Rising Seas and Land Loss

Produced by the Carmelite NGO, The Rising Seas is an educational video about the economic effects of land loss in Louisiana--and around the world. The Rising Seas is designed for students and everyone else interested in care of creation.


Check out the video below on Curriculum on Laudato Si' and learn about how it can work in your school to reach today's youth.   

What Can You Do To Promote Healthy Oceans?


Each person can help. Here are ideas from the Ocean Conservancy.

.  Volunteer for the International Coastal Cleanup to remove trash from beaches. This also allows you to be a citizen-scientist and collect data that keep trash out of our oceans in the first place.


.  Download Clean Swell Smartphone App.  Track litter you collect along beaches, waterways and parks.  


.  Reuse.  More than 60% of litter collected at these cleanups are disposable items. 


.  Reduce your carbon "finprint."  Oceans are on the front lines of climate change, absorbing half the carbon dioxide we pump into the atmosphere.


.  Prevent contaminated runoff.  No matter where you live, the ocean is downstream.  Don't use chemical fertilizers and pesticides or harmful driveway cleaning products.


.  Vote Green.  Urge your elected representatives to support ocean-friendly policies to protect our oceans.  


Checkout and

How Much Plastic Actually Gets Recycled?  
Not Enough, Says Science News
Read this important news story from Science News:  Chemists are reimagining recycling to keep plastics out of landfills.



Empty Plastic Bottles
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Take Home Lessons In Laudato Si'


Teachers from throughout the country came to Salpointe Catholic High School in Tucson, AZ, to learn about using the Laudato Si' 



What Does Laudato Si' Mean?


"Praise be to you."

Pope Francis chose this title for his environmental Encyclical "Care For Our Common Home." Laudato Si' is also from the text of Canticle of the Sun, St. Francis of Assisi's 13th century poem of praise.

  "How can we help make their education a sign of greater responsibility in the face of today's



Pope Francis




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Pope Francis Offers New Creation Care Message


Three Steps To Fight Climate Change

This address was filmed at the Vatican and first shown at TED Countdown Global Launch, October 2020

Hello! We are living during a historic moment, marked by difficult challenges, as we all know. The world is shaken by the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which highlights another global challenge: the socio-environmental crisis. 


And this requires us, all of us, to face a choice. The choice between what matters, and what doesn’t. The choice between continuing to ignore the suffering of the poorest and to abuse our common home, our planet, or engaging at every level to transform the way we act. 


Laudato Si' Goes
To Teaching Conference
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WATCH a video of the full presentation.
Kate McGarey-Vasey led two sessions on Laudato Si' Curriculum at the Archdiocese of New Orleans Office of Catholic Schools annual Administrators Conference in Biloxi, MS.  McGarey-Vasey, faculty member, Salpointe Catholic High School, Tucson, AZ, where the Curriculum was developed, helped other educators understand how Salpointe is using the Laudato Si' lessons and how they are sparking earth-care change at her school.

Pope's Climatologist Talks 

Faith and Climate Change 

On Successful U.S. Tour


Download slides from Fr. Eduardo's lecture

Fr. Eduardo Scarel, O.Carm., an internationally respected climatologist who worked with Pope Francis on his Laudato Si' Encyclical, completed a successful U.S. tour, speaking in multiple cities to diverse audiences.

In New Orleans, Fr. Eduardo gave a lecture at Notre Dame Seminary: "Environmental Justice Through the Lens of Laudato Sí': Caring for our Common Home."  


He also made stops in Buffalo, NY, Chicago, Tucson, AZ, and El Paso, TX. where he lectured in English and Spanish.   

Below:  Fr. Eduardo Scarel, center, spoke in New Orleans to St. Mary's Dominican High School students.  From left, Sr. Jane Remson, O,Carm., Carmelite NGO;  Jill Cabes, Vice President of Dominican Catholic Identity; and Matthew Foss, Dominican Science Department Chair. 

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